10 Ripper SEO Trends That Is Set To Take The Market By Storm

Now that we are getting into the second decade of this millennium, it is high time to take a hard look at how things will look on the SEO front. It is also the time to make an inspection of the emerging market trends and techniques of responding to the changing market dynamics, more so in areas where the professionals gained strength in 2019.

In other words, it is time for taking a fresh guard with a vision of the coming year and discuss some new trends that are likely to shape things up in the coming year on the SEO front. Let us go through them in a nutshell.

Trend#1: BERT


The full form of BERT is Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. The technique that the SEO experts in Melbourne are likely to follow has everything to do with Natural Language Processing or NLP and is network-based. Google open-sourced the technique in 2018.

Trend#2: Properly Optimised High-Quality Content


This is a new technique that allows to effectively compete for the long-tail searches and help SEO experts in Melbourne to build site authority and raise the demand for the content.

Trend#3: E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness)


This is another new technology that is based on a seamless coordination between expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness (hence EAT). Let us discuss the three aspects very precisely.

Expertise: The writer needs to have optimum skill in writing the Main Content (MC) and make sure that the content is useful and truthful for the users.

Authoritativeness: The creator of the MC should have complete authority of creating the content so much so that the content created should be compelling and draw enough traffic.

Trustworthiness: This is particularly essential for the e-Commerce websites, which ask the users for their accounts and credit or debit card information.

Trend#4: UX & Technical SEO


This is another trend that is likely to give the users faster and more satisfying results to their searches. This will be possible through sites that are easy to use on any device. This can be achieved through the following 3 steps:

  • Hitting the search intent
  • Wining the actual click
  • Answering the query of the visitor apprehendable

Trend#5: Mobile SEO


This is another new trend or a process that ensures that the sites are optimised to for mobile devices, as browsers who access a particular site from their smartphones and other mobile devices can do so without any hiccup whatsoever.

Trend#6: Structured Data  


It is another new trend that the SEO experts in Melbourne would follow. It is a particular code with a specific format, which is written in such a manner that is easily understandable by the search engines. The search engines would go through the code and then use it for displaying the search results in particular and much more effective way.

Trend#7: Optimisation of Entity & Knowledge Graph


For helping the websites improve their ranking on the SERP, it is imperative to create and optimise an entity and knowledge graph, which the crawlers can openly access and link from the website content with the help of structured data markup. It is likely to be one of the more critical tactics in the coming days.

Trend#8: Brand and Link Building


The search engines use the links for:

  • Discovering new web pages
  • For determining more effectively how well a particular page will rank in their search results

Thus, once the search engines have crawled the pages on the web, they can extract the content of those web pages and add them to their respective indexes. Thus, they can decide if the said page has enough quality to enjoy high ranking for the relevant keywords. This is where brand and link building helps. The better are the links the more is the probability of the page to be ranked high.

Trend#9: Putting more emphasis on visibility instead of only blue links


Technically, SEO visibility is the accurate indicator of the extent of visibility that a website enjoys, as and when queries are fed into the search engines on PCs. Thus, putting emphasis on visibility always makes a difference in SEO ranking.

Trend#10: Programming 


Programming and Coding help SEO ranking in 10 different ways. The most important of them being, proper validation of the code helps in more search engine spider accessibility. There are other ways, as well. We will discuss them and the other 9 points in details in subsequent pages.

All said and done it is worth mentioning that these are the reasons, it is imperative to put your stakes on a quality SEO company in Melbourne that will use all these techniques for better ranking of your brand and website. What better name can you look for other than JR Technologies Web Pvt Ltd? For further details, you can call us at 02 8006 7865 if you from Australia and 02034 094 596 if you are from the UK.

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